
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Occupy Wall Street and the Growing OWS Movement

Incited, whether directly or indirectly, by the Vancouver-based dissident magazine AdBusters, The Occupy Wall Street movement is picking-up pace on an near-revolutionary scale across the entire continent.

Many right-wing financiers and commentators simply look at the collective uprising as an example of left-wing 'mob mentality;'the hypotheses that such a collectivist mentality could exist in some 'terrible' form being discovered by yours truly during an outing at the local Coles bookstore, in which I came across Ann Coulter's book, "Demonic: How the Liberal Mob is Endangering America." 
As I flipped through Demonic, all I could draw parallels to was the feeling of 'how the fuck could anyone actually believe this bullshit?' that I got from flipping through the first few pages of Benito Mussolini's The Fascist Doctrine. Were I a notable figure in political affairs, right-wing commentators would already be shutting me down saying, "Look at this left-wing nut-bar. He's using one of the oldest tricks in the book! Comparing the right to fascists and Nazism and all that historical stuff. This young man is obviously a threat to our societal fabric and all his valid points from here on in are now rendered invalid and unimportant due to this single thing we caught him saying which we will now hang over his politically-attuned head like a guillotine to his credibility... and if he tries to get in our way one more time, we will sell his story to Glen Beck so that intellectual genius can tear him to bits with his infallible logic."
And I would watch this with both a deep humor regarding these peoples willfully ignorant and blatantly arrogant viewpoints and decide they have no true intellectual credibility, and that the fact that they're serious only makes it all the more hilarious... but that humor would also wallow alongside a feeling of deep anger and fear at the fact that such absolute idiots have such a stranglehold on not only North America, but the human race at large.

Eric Cantor, the Republican Majority Leader in the House of Representatives, in speaking against the OWS movement said: "I for one am increasingly concerned about the growing mobs occupying Wall Street and the other cities across the country. Believe it or not, some in this town have actually condoned the pitting of Americans against Americans."
Boy oh boy oh boy! You know someone is a self-serving politician if their entire address, whether consciously or not, seems to miss the entire context of the movement itself. And calling it a 'mob'... it's the same polarizing tactic used to marginalize and ostracize anyone who supports the welfare-state or other socialistic practices when they're simply labelled as 'communists.' When right-wing politicians call someone or something 'communist,' they are deliberately appealing to the lowest common denominator of the population that has never studied communism and only knows, at best, its context in American history as the 'Red scare' or the 'Soviet menace.' That invisible enemy that almost killed us that one time, which must mean everything about them was nothing but pure evil.
One small step up from the lowest common denominator, however, is the half-baked pseudo-intellectual who, when they hear that someone or something is 'communist,' remembers nothing but the atrocities committed under Joseph Stalin or Mao Zedong. This condemns their stupefied face-value interpretation to forever see whatever was labelled as 'communist' as potential mass-murderers who are simply looking to install an evil totalitarian regime. They don't understand the true definition of either communism or socialism; and that's exactly the way they want it. They simply want their ignorant followers to view those is opposition to the right in the way the right is viewed by everyone else due to what they have actually done to deserve such an image.
When the right labels a legitimate protest that is against its best interests as a 'mob,' it hopes to incite memories of the Salem which-hunts, the Detroit riots, and simply the Judaeo-Christian interpretation of an 'angry mob carrying pitch-forks and torches, ready to rape, pillage, and murder until their desires are met.' It's these mass-generalizations that keep the right as powerful as it is. Without such loose-terms and assumptive measures, the clearer, truer, and more specific definitions of what's occurring would show themselves and the right would immediately be discredited as self-serving and simply stupid.

It's this arrogance and stubborn idiocy that turned democracy into nothing but a symbolic charade of corporate tools either working for the financiers and self-proclaimed 'elites,' or required to work-around their maze of control in order to attempt to contribute to the common good without reducing or eliminating the current profit that's being made under the status quo.

The OWS movement recognizes all of this, and no right-wing commentary to the contrary is going to make these disillusioned crowds stop and think, 'hey, you know? Maybe Mr. Cantor is right. Perhaps Mr. Herman Cain is also correct. It's my fault I'm not rich.. because that's obviously what I came here to do. Protest the fact that I don't have what the top 1% has. That's the basis of this entire revolution; jealousy! Why can't I be a selfish, opportunistic prick with lots of money?! That's all I've ever wanted to be my entire life! Holy fuck! I'm tired of not being able to exploit my fellow human beings for profit as part of the 99%!"

It's far to easy to bash the right for it's obvious ignorance and stupidity in this situation, whether it's intentional or not. They need to work on more convincing arguments if they want to even have a chance at stopping this revolution from threatening their material empire.   

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The world is meaningless,

there is no God or gods, there are no morals, the universe is not moving inexorably towards any higher purpose.
All meaning is man-made, so make your own, and make it well.
Do not treat life as a way to pass the time until you die.
Do not try to "find yourself", you must make yourself.
Choose what you want to find meaningful and live, create, love, hate, cry, destroy, fight and die for it.
Do not let your life and your values and your actions slip easily into any mold, other that that which you create for yourself, and say with conviction, "This is who I make myself".
Do not give in to hope.
Remember that nothing you do has any significance beyond that with which you imbue it.
Whatever you do, do it for its own sake.
When the universe looks on with indifference, laugh, and shout back, "Fuck You!".
Rembember that to fight meaninglessness is futile, but fight anyway, in spite of and because of its futility.
The world may be empty of meaning, but it is a blank canvas on which to paint meanings of your own.
Live deliberately. You are free.