
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Vacith: A Preliminary Re-visitation, Draft Outline Part 1

Introduction to Vacith
This project has, as its origin, an expansive idea for a world—somewhat fantasy, but perhaps science fiction in terms of its worldly connection to our own history and planet—which I generated between the ages of 15 and 16, writing a rudimentary 50 page history of a Kingdom that develops on the Pacific Northwest coast of North America some seven or eight millenia after our own.

Essentially, the history traced the emergence and development of the so-called Royal Domain of Vacith (built atop and around an asymmetrical radius of the largely disintegrated remains of Vancouver) alongside the re-emergence of civilized humanity after a large scale extinction event. This extinction event took the form of a deadly epidemic disease, with an odd, tiny minority of people surviving as a result of fluke genetic immunity. These survivors, spread throughout the width and breadth of the globe and representative of most of the diverse elements of the human race, presided over the first steps in a collective regression of the human condition. Some facilitated the preservation of artifacts and stories from one generation to the next, while others either tried, only to fail due to the eventual extinction of their 'tribes' or groups to inter-tribal warfare, new diseases, a lack of sustainable survival strategies, or connection and immersion with other groups, etc., or a simple series of mistellings, mistranslations, general misinterpretations, or literal interpretations of storytelling elements originally used only as metaphorical or allegorical devices of description for a lack of better words.

The original inspiration for the world came from Walter M. Miller, Jr's famous post-apocalyptic neo-medieval novel, A Canticle for Leibowitz. Instead of a North American neo-medievalism arising as a result of nuclear war, however, the extinction (or, near-extinction) event was, as already stated, an outbreak of an epidemic disease sometime in the early to mid 21st century. My original draft ideas for both the history and story were excellent starts, ones I am proud to have made as an interested teen, but were better left to simmer on a very low heat as I grew older and learned much, much more. Though I had been excited about the story and the history I had made, there was always a part of me that felt my ignorance was still too great at the time for any reliably believable expansion of the world, let alone a novel set within it. My attention span as well was too frantic and fragmented for any consistent focus on my part.

Over the course of the next 7 years, I never wholly revisited the world, but new limbs of nuance began to sprout from the vastness of the idea in itself. My relentless pursuit of intellectual, historical, and worldly context often evoked deeper contemplation of what such a world could actually be like. I decided there had to be a major dislocation between perceived historical medievalism and this fantastically fictional neo-medievalism; it had to have evolved on its own progressive thread, not one so closely mirroring the true historical “Dark Ages” as we know it, with its Kings and Queens, monasteries and monks, horses, swords, bows, and arrows, as realistically speaking, many of these things would not exist in such a painfully clear template. This is something even Walter M. Miller, Jr could not escape in A Canticle for Leibowitz, having created a world—an incredible world, no doubt—but one which essentially fused actual medievalism with 20th century modernity. Written in 1959, it was a timely work which addressed the most pressing fear of its era—nuclear war—and acted as a sort of fantasy warning of what was possible now that humanity had the ability to annihilate itself.

The Distance”
In the world I created (and am still creating), there was no nuclear extinction, and therefore there are still many surviving relics of our era, to which little to nothing is known by the inhabitants of this future planet. Anything which is known was passed from one generation to the next, and, like a very long game of telephone, the message distorted in most places over time to interpret stories of flying machines—planes, obviously—as sorts of strange, unemotional mechanical deities capable of transporting the good to where ever they wish to go, or laying waste to entire cities and regions if a form of karmic recompence isn't reconciled before a predicted day of judgement, during which it's said the 'sky would be covered to black by the cylindrical wing gods,' and those tribes found guilty of disgression would be bombed into extinction, and tribes found worthy of redemption would be carried away to a spiritual transit point (not unlike Purgatory) where they would be ritually purified before becoming One.

The survivors of the original disease, at least in the parlance of the region at the heart of the story, are seen as semi-deities who oversaw the transition of the world from the hands of the departing god-race to their world: a delicate world of omnipotent mortality. The survivors are termed “the Ancient Immunites,” and are acknowledged to have lived among the previous mythological civilizations of gods, but were not gods themselves, hence why they were not called to become One with the rest. They are seen as the most perfect incarnation of current humanity, with every human born of them since seen as regressing a step lower in divinity with each new generation. This regression is known to most as “the Distance.”

“The Distance” became a very ingrained metaphysical concept with the developing tribes of the old Pacific Northwest. Different religious and philosophical orientations sprouted from it as some saw “the Distance” as something that would grow eternally wider and wider until men were once again part of the earth, coming to be One in a literal, organic roundabout sense. This is in contrast to others who saw “the Distance” as growing wider and wider over time, only to reach a certain zenith and begin to close by progression in the opposite direction, at the end of which the 'cylindrical wing gods' would arrive to black out the sky and bring all worthy souls to ascension in the said spiritual purgatory until they became One, erasing all the rest into physical and spiritual non-existence. Still other, more unorthodox thinkers believed “the Distance” was something which ebbed close at times, and dipped far away at others, coming to this conclusion through the observation of moving tides.

Vacith Society
More important than the actual history of the world is the myriad of ways this history is interpreted by the differing general portions and religious / metaphysical sects of Vacith society, and how these interpretations are applied both practically and spiritually in contemporary individual, group, and societal settings and circumstances. For example: how does the concept of “the Distance” affect one spiritual sect to abstain from all forms of resource extraction, while to another, “the Distance” seems closer to being closed by a somewhat relentless project of urban infrastructural development and material1 contribution to the cultural high arts?

Like any society as seen in the non-conflated 'flesh,' if we may call it that, philosophical and religious diversity of opinion is the rule, rather than the exception. In the original draft of the history written about 7 years ago, there were times of authoritarian kings and rebellion, periods of openness, tolerance, and progression, as well as long spaces of time in which little to nothing of decided historical importance occurred. With this critical re-visitation and reevaluation of the world, as I said, the very existence of a medieval political structure of Kings and Queens comes into question. It seems clear that, regardless of any tidbits of real historical information on the medieval period which may have survived the mass extinction, or impressions of the pop-cultural representation of medievalism thereof, this would still not constitute a historical template with any sort of rational precedent justifying the literal adoption of a structure on par with, or exactly the same as those of medieval Western Europe. For this reason, it seems clear that a greater sense of creative depth will need to be applied in the reconstitution of this world's political structure, one which must start with the legacy of our own institutions as they would've been known to the Ancient Immunites. This may, in itself, preclude almost any reference to Kings, Queens, and royalty altogether, as the passing of seven millennia, with our real contemporary world as the precedent, would demand an entirely different (perhaps even alien, in some ways) evolution of human political structures. Of course, it must be noted that they would not be more advanced, as is obvious, but victim to the collective regression of the race, giving their society parallel to medievalism in the width and breadth of their dogmas, superstitions, and general lack of education beyond a few elite-groups who specialize in the 'arts of recall.'2

Another essential point, often inferred in the last few paragraphs, is that this society does not possess an egalitarian system of written literacy. This isn't to say that literacy has dissolved, however; more accurately, it is a deliberately 'endangered species,' of sorts; one that has survived in the ruling upper echelons, protected and taught to certain elite-groups in secret by an ancient Holy Order. Due to the teaching of literacy being such a tightly-guarded secret, many who witness a literate individual read and repeat what they've read are lead to believe this is a skill granted at birth through inheritance. Literacy is seen as a dangerous gift, useful in the hands of those cultivating order and balance, and chaotically empowering in the hands of rogue individuals. Strangely enough, however, is the fact of freedom of speech, and yet no freedom of literacy. To speak, it is suggested, is one thing; to write and record for posterity, completely another. Many in the ruling classes believe “the Distance” can only be closed through the careful and deliberate cultivation of a historical narrative as told through the Chosen, not through the free interpretation of such a narrative in writing as to cause the truth to become an apparently relative concept.

_ _ _

Now that we have touched upon the religious, philosophical, and metaphysical constructs and concepts central to this neo-medieval society (emphasis on “neo” for “new” as opposed to “neo” implying “here's literally the Medieval Ages transposed on a hypothetical future”), I feel it would be of immense value to give the reader an idea of what this world might look like in operation and in fact; one important exploration is that of politics and political terminology. This is still something I believe needs some mulling over in my head, so I'll start with describing the obvious consequence of all politics: defense in general, but military in particular.

The primary threat to the Vacith are the nomadic tribes spread across the continent on all sides. Many are only violent in defense, opting to strive for peace unless all other measures fail or necessity seems to demand it. Amongst the great multitude of nomadic tribes, however, there is no real homogeneous standard. Some abide by twisted cults of extreme violence and sacrifice, while others remain nomads in order to facilitate trade between established continental societies, as well as other tribes with wares of value. Still others resolve to remain neutral, either fearing the great societies or operatively indifferent to civilizations in general. A small minority of the neutral tribes were once ultra-violent enemies of one of the great societies, being decimated through warfare and henceforth remaining peaceful, at least toward the civilizations. Some remain arbitrarily violent toward other nomadic tribes for a multitude of reasons, or, at the very least, retain cults of extremely perverse sacrificial worship.3 Only in a very, very small minority of cases has a defeated tribe reversed its cultural practices entirely to reflect peace, rather than war. Often, this has only occurred to tribes within a very close standard proximity to one of the great societies who experienced military defeat more than once and hence succumbed to a felt external necessity to change drastically with regards to internal cultural practices.

The Vacith fight sporadic campaigns against raiding nomads on their borders, in some cases causing a cultural defection of sorts through which both individual as well as families of nomads come to settle inside Vacith territory and recondition themselves to a stationary, agriculture-based lifestyle. A select few of these nomads are drafted into the army as tribal intelligence sources as well as interpreters and intermediaries. There can even occasionally be a defected nomad who returns to live with their tribe as a representative Vacith emissary of sorts, kept in loyal reserve for times of need.

All able-bodied men and women, when they come of age, are conscripted into 3 years of compulsory service with the Vacith army. The Vacith army consists of 6 main echelons: the first is the general foot-soldier, the Hard-Boot, usually comprised of basic conscripts who have finished basic training and continue their training throughout their 3 years of active service; they are armed with either retro-fit axes usually used in the harvesting of timber, with a newly-attached mesh grip for better dexterity control, or a basic broadsword-style weapon mass-produced for war and civil defense. The second is the Wheel-Shod, a bicycle cavalry unit of sorts,4 comprised of trained and skilled riders who attach an extremely sharp iron pike to a fitted device on the front-right of the bicycle, being sure it exits sharply from the mid-left cleft of a built-on protective shield visor also made of iron. During a charge, the Wheel-Shod's try to find a declining slope from which to pedal and then glide into a concentrated group of enemies; once the bicycles make contact, the soldier is trained to leap off (preferably landing on their feet) and fight hand-to-hand with sharpened daggers specifically curved to allow quick-slice finishes to the throat. To minimize any lack of agility, each Wheel-Shod soldier is fitted with a light chain armor that does well against broadside slashes, but can be vulnerable to sharp and specific jabs. Members of these brigades are chosen on the basis of observed combat ability and skill, particularly in balance-related exercises.

The political structure of Vacith society developed gradually, having as its remote origins a council of different tribes rallied together by the granddaughter of the Ancient Immunite of the region somewhere around 200 years after the extinction event.

1 - Material, as in sculpture and painting as opposed to the 'arts of recall,' such as music and storytelling. Something with a permanent physical manifestation, not something requiring performance.
2 - For example: music (including instrumentation), storytelling, oral histories, poetry, and a strange trickled-legacy of hip-hop in the form of syncopated acapella rap-like poetry (slam poetry to very base rhythms, essentially).
3 - Though, it must be noted, this is often only seen through the eyes of the beholder, one must recognize both that the operative subjectivity's of these tribes see no wrong in their practices, and that the practices in themselves can include the sacrificial rape and murder of a newborn daughter or son as an offering of 'clean blood' to their animist deities. Witnesses, whether born of a civilization or another tribe, illicit a very strong emotional response from such practices, creating a loose collective standard of what can be considered “evil” or “barbaric” by groups in contrast.

4 - Though the 'bicycle' is not known as such, and is an elaborate evolution originating from the design of models whose practical use survived the extinction event.


The Original "Cali Rajiin" story outline:

Old Map of Post-Apocalyptic North America + Political Descriptors:

Old Map of Post-Apocalyptic Europe + Political Descriptors:

The Original 50-page Timeline of the History of the Vacith Empire: 

All of the above are no longer relevant, valid, or, to get lofty, official, and Biblical, no longer "canonical" to the new phase in the story's development and the evolution of the world. They do, however, provide the basic bedrock for the current iteration.  

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The world is meaningless,

there is no God or gods, there are no morals, the universe is not moving inexorably towards any higher purpose.
All meaning is man-made, so make your own, and make it well.
Do not treat life as a way to pass the time until you die.
Do not try to "find yourself", you must make yourself.
Choose what you want to find meaningful and live, create, love, hate, cry, destroy, fight and die for it.
Do not let your life and your values and your actions slip easily into any mold, other that that which you create for yourself, and say with conviction, "This is who I make myself".
Do not give in to hope.
Remember that nothing you do has any significance beyond that with which you imbue it.
Whatever you do, do it for its own sake.
When the universe looks on with indifference, laugh, and shout back, "Fuck You!".
Rembember that to fight meaninglessness is futile, but fight anyway, in spite of and because of its futility.
The world may be empty of meaning, but it is a blank canvas on which to paint meanings of your own.
Live deliberately. You are free.