
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"Intrigue" on CJMP, 90.1 FM

is the name, as well as station, of my own radio show that I start officially as of today at about 4 PM.

The show will deal with what I like to call 'off-the-radar' current events, as well as philosophy, existentialism, everyday life, local life in Powell River, art, music, and a legion of many other things- the theme will be very much open to change and transformation for any reason I (or potentially others) see fit.

Regarding close friends, I am willing to take music suggestions, but the deal is that if you really want me to show it on air, you have to provide me with a download link, whether it's to the album, or an individual audio file.
I also need to have a general appreciation for it- that means I will not put most country on, nor will I showcase much metal, especially not 'screamo' music.
Although I wouldn't mind showcasing certain songs from bands such as Rise Against, or interesting metal instrumentals.

Anyways, in many ways, my radio show will be much like my blog, and will deal with much of the same things, just beyond the real of readable text.

If any of you out there would like to listen to my show, tune in tonight at about 4 PM using the following link:

Hope to hear you listened in :)
Have a great day, blue planet!

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The world is meaningless,

there is no God or gods, there are no morals, the universe is not moving inexorably towards any higher purpose.
All meaning is man-made, so make your own, and make it well.
Do not treat life as a way to pass the time until you die.
Do not try to "find yourself", you must make yourself.
Choose what you want to find meaningful and live, create, love, hate, cry, destroy, fight and die for it.
Do not let your life and your values and your actions slip easily into any mold, other that that which you create for yourself, and say with conviction, "This is who I make myself".
Do not give in to hope.
Remember that nothing you do has any significance beyond that with which you imbue it.
Whatever you do, do it for its own sake.
When the universe looks on with indifference, laugh, and shout back, "Fuck You!".
Rembember that to fight meaninglessness is futile, but fight anyway, in spite of and because of its futility.
The world may be empty of meaning, but it is a blank canvas on which to paint meanings of your own.
Live deliberately. You are free.