Either this is so much of a shock to me that it hasn’t sunk in enough for me to actually fully comprehend the international situation, or I’ve perceived the entire issue just as I perceive Global Warming: of no true immediate threat, and nothing I should really be worrying or thinking about for the time being.
A lot of people would agree that this is an undisputable sign of American-styled ignorance, and in most regards I would completely agree, but I believe the reason I don’t feel I should worry about this at the moment is because I’ve already got a lot on my plate: school, friends, family, future, the unquenchable lust for constant entertainment.
All inherently Western values, yes, but not anything I can really do anything about at the moment (for example: last week I took a day off from school, and am still feeling the consequential ramifications of my actions, and to which I know there was nothing wrong with what I did unless you’re looking at the entire situation from a deeply Westernized perspective.)
Anyways, I assume I shouldn’t be ranting about why I shouldn’t be worrying about this international crisis, and should be ranting more about it on its own.
In a nutshell: I agree this is a crisis that needs to be addressed carefully and in the near future, and, if possible, completely solved (although, like Global Warming and the human nature to war with each other, seems near-impossible to solve entirely.)
Poor people in Africa, as innocent as they are, do have a lot of alternatives as to what they could do to improve their situations, and always seem to use the fact that they live in poverty as an excuse as to why they take no action to do so. They expect there unreliable, untrustworthy governments to fix everything (or at least, most things) for them, when it’s obvious their broken promises are clear signs that nothing is going to be done for them.
So, if your government won’t do anything, do everything you can to do it yourself: if you want something done, you’ve got to do it yourself, quit complaining and expecting the rest of the world to fix your problems for you. That’s not to say we couldn’t, or wouldn’t if given a valid chance, it’s saying that the Western world has made it more then clear that they have no real desire to assist Africa and its people with any issue whatsoever, and only wish to use African misfortune to concrete the popularity and commercialism of their top celebrities.
Different African countries are engaging in warfare with other African countries over who gets control over what lake, and who gets to trade what diamonds, and not surprisingly the only wars that get any attention in the West is the ones heavily involved with the trade of blood diamonds, not the wars over water, which just concretes further that the Western world has no real concern about the continent of Africa unless if somehow threatens its security and luxury.
Yes, their will be a day, not to long from now (I’m assuming), when America and other heavily Westernized countries will start giving a damn about the water resources in places such as Africa, Europe, Asia, and yes, Canada.
It may be a Third World War, or something of a slightly lesser scale, who knows? All we can do is sit, wait, and hope for the best (and hope for everything sane on this planet that another Bush or a likeness of Sarah Palin never gets elected into office (yes, we’re looking at you, you blindly conservative fundamentalist Christians)).
Anyways, I should probably start paddling faster towards the topic of international water as opposed to drifting carelessly away from it in another political rant, and as to avoid doing so I will talk about the pollution of basic tap-water in areas such as the Eastern United States.
This, as I see it, is of no real alarming concern as was made obvious in the ‘Flow’ documentary that humans in these polluted areas are quickly forced to adapt the pollutants to stop being a drain on them, and instead something that does no damage at all (whether this is actually true or not, I don’t know, it’s just what I derived from the documentary), and as such shouldn't be embraced, but should certainly be no source of catastrophic concern, because the world has got enough on its mind as it is: Global Warming, the constant threat of nuclear warfare, racial and political tensions (which I hope have at least died down slightly with Barrack Obama becoming president), all these conspiracy theories circulating around with friendly stupid people trying to look, seem, and feel smart, all these seemingly feasible conspiracy theories circulating among heavily theocratic people wanting to gain attention by making themselves seem distinct from the rest of the crowd, incredibly gullible, paranoid, power-hungry people quickly finding ways to seize power with little or no opposition, and, of course, terrorism.
An international water crisis is nothing we should be paying an incredible amount of attention to for the time being. Hopefully, though, we find a solution to it before it spins out of control just as the international oil crisis did, or we may have a Third World War on our hands.