Monday, October 18, 2010
Fractal Ambivalence
I know there's no place quite the same as right here;
No place I could find that quite catches my ear,
And no place quite the same that can swallow my fears,
To the depths of this heated and comfortable box,
In which I am protected by numerous locks,
From intruders and bandits,
Salesmen and clerks;
I am the legal intruder,
And for me, that's what works.
Yet I'm here when, in fact, I am meant to be there;
Not far from my home,
I'm meant to be learning whats fair.
I am meant to be learning what's right and what's wrong,
Yet 6 hours of my time a day seems quite long,
To be spending on verbs, nouns and pronouns,
On algebra, fractions, and abnormal word sounds.
This life is not theirs; this life is all mine,
Such an old and used system would appear to be right,
Yet I beg to differ, as revolution now squeaks,
To push through the systems cracks and cause leaks,
In which free-thinking filters the words of the old,
Who believe themselves better, for they're trained and so bold.
When I look to society, what is it I see?
Is it a throng of a thousand people who seem to be free?
Not quite, yet at the same time, that seems quite close,
They are free in a box, in which authority is the host.
"Civilization has to be defended against the individual,
And its regulations, institutions and commands are directed to that task."*
Quite an obvious command,
And it seems that at last,
Man is learning to embrace what they each see as free;
And it does not simply stop at being free to simply be,
It goes beyond such in mind, matter, soul, and in trust;
For it is the systems denial,
Towards which I lust.
The institutions, and nations,
Corporations, news stations,
Stateism, classism, all attempt to control,
Who I am, what I do, where I go, who I meet;
They tell me to relax, and just take a quick seat;
Yet I know what I want from life is free feet,
To be who I am,
And take all the heat.
To do what I do,
And ignore what's 'elite.'
To go where I go,
And control, as such, my feet.
To meet who I meet,
And next to them, take a seat.
I am not a name,
And I am not a number.
I am always awake in my mind,
As I slumber.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
To Contradict Brian
But I'll give you kudos on the Photoshop skill. That was clever. Even if the humor was abit more than slightly immature.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Collapse of the Closed-Minds Walls
Maybe it's simply the emotional pull left behind from the films sheer power, I'm not sure; all I know is that society, as a whole, has alot it needs to repair within itself, whether it has intentions to which are untimately noble or not.
People act righteous, as if they're better than others, as if they deserve more, and have more of a right in what they say, and they discredit what others have to say because 'people think differently;' but this isn't a compromise on their part, as they later announce to their friends that they dislike the person to which voiced such opinions, due, in part, because of the opinions (yet they point out arbitrary dimensions of the person as a whole, such as their physical appearance, the way they talk, the way they walk, etc). Society supports such ideas, through a stiff process of individuality, which I support almost entirely, save for the fact that it causes some people to become so stiff in their 'individual' thinking, that they discredit all others, with little or no compromise, stating that 'the way they think is the way they think.' Now, I'm not saying you should believe what everyone else says has an authority over what you have to say, not at all; I just believe that you should always listen to what others have to say, and absorb it as food for thought. Once it's been processed enough times through your head, it develops enough to either be discarded entirely, absorbed in part, or taken at face-value. In that sense, the ideas relevance to the individual relies entirely on the machinations of the individuals mind, keeping said mind open to new ideas, yet not before critically analyzing them, or tossing them out as the thoughts of 'someone else,' and 'not me.'
People need to understand that interpretation is the key to everything, but never close off certain interpretations based on who or where they come from, as you can learn something from absolutley anyone, even a baby, if you open your mind up wide enough. Never interpret structured aithority as being real authority.
Remember to think for yourselves.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
A Fragment of an Enlightening Conversation via Facebook.
we create meaning with our minds. for all you know, God created everything for the hell of it.. he had no reason or rhyme.
He could've done it naively.
stop assuming so much :P
but kyran, my dear kyran, assumptions are how humans stay sane. :P
Explain why.
because if all we had was stark reality, there would be no hope, and with no hope, there is no reason to live.
we have to assume things will turn out okay
but now you're assuming that without hope, there is no reason to live.
hope is man-made as well
it is
i don't think algae in the sea hope
BUT i said assumptions keep HUMANS sane. I said nothing of algae
so i should refine and say without hope, there is no reason for humans to live.
also, stop taking this so seriously. :P i'm open to the notion that everything I believe is a lie... I just prefer not to think like that.
there doesnt need to be a reason :P and im not being bitter about this.. I just speak my mind. And what I'm speaking from is pretty serious.
just as long as you'll still be my friend tomorrow :P i'm actually having fun.
of course xD
why wouldnt i be?!?
and yes there does, because we as humans have free choice and often choose not to live
haha if i dreadfully offended you with my stubborn religiousness :P
haha you didnt. otherwise i'd be offended quite often by quite a few people.
and you didn't respond to my point
repeat it in full :P im just multitasking.. plus i didnt quite get what u meant
there has to be a reason to live, because humans have free choice to live or die and many choose to die if they feel they have no purpose.
but that comes down to their choice. i have a meaning in the sense that I am me, and I create me. My reason to live, is simply to live.
It wasnt predetermined by anything or anyone
thats not what i mean
i mean, you have a reason to live because you have hope that your life will be enjoyable and productive.
i have reason to live because its enjoyable and productive enough as it is.
what happens in the future will happen.
i enjoy how far we've gotten from the original topic :P
i mean, i'm not going to stop being productive, and im not going to stop enjoying it. there's just so much to contemplate and enjoy in life. thats why I live, and I think thats why most people live
the thing is, what if you had no hope at all that life would continue to be the same way? you are assuming that the world won't end tomorrow
which is why as humans, we need assumptions to stay sane.
on a side note, i love obese cats.
I doubt we need them. I highly doubt that. :P and so do i.
haha, i like reading huuuge facebook arguments, then commenting on how little it meant to me, but how entertaining it was.
i like putting little sarcastic comments on everyone's emo statuses.
i have this friend named Will who always puts these psychotic, emo ones. He hates me every second day.
facebook is a preying ground for those with a sense of humor.
haha, thats so true. i love it.
and i mean.. if you're going to advertise stuff that personal, you deserve abit of mocking
fer shure
i hate it when people put those long statuses about how much their lives suck
yeah me too :P and u feel like a prick for wanting to put something.. but then you do it anyways
i never really feel like a prick
i just make up something later so they forgive me
ima go play some videogames for abit, then go to bed.. and sleep in (:
The world is meaningless,
All meaning is man-made, so make your own, and make it well.
Do not treat life as a way to pass the time until you die.
Do not try to "find yourself", you must make yourself.
Choose what you want to find meaningful and live, create, love, hate, cry, destroy, fight and die for it.
Do not let your life and your values and your actions slip easily into any mold, other that that which you create for yourself, and say with conviction, "This is who I make myself".
Do not give in to hope.
Remember that nothing you do has any significance beyond that with which you imbue it.
Whatever you do, do it for its own sake.
When the universe looks on with indifference, laugh, and shout back, "Fuck You!".
Rembember that to fight meaninglessness is futile, but fight anyway, in spite of and because of its futility.
The world may be empty of meaning, but it is a blank canvas on which to paint meanings of your own.
Live deliberately. You are free.