
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cali Rajiin (Story Outline)

Cali Rajiin (main character) (Possible name, may be changed/ altered)
Post-Apocalyptic World- (North America, Europe, or both?)

Following a devastating pandemic disease, only several thousand people remain alive in the entire world due to a strange, very rare immunity to the virus.
Later known as the ‘Ancient Immunites,’ these people managed to spread out and begin to re-establish humanity over the course of eight thousand years.
Information of the mysterious generation that preceded them is very scarce due to the material breakdown of most sources of knowledge from the Age of the Ancients.
The last fracture of ancient human knowledge, invention, and structuring was preserved by a large, wide family lineage in the ancient city of Roma in the recently established Republic of Papio Dominio (formerly part of a land known as Italy in the Age of the Ancients).
The Republic safeguards ancient scientific knowledge, as well as the entire history of Roma and the rest of former Italy, going back before the Age of the Ancients to an age known as the Dawn of the Ancients, where a great Empire once sprouted from the very mouth of Papio Dominio.

The stories of self-propelling carts, flying machines, great world-wide networks of instant connection, fire-spitting spears, and weapons capable of ultimate destruction have become nothing but ancient myths to this generation, with some modern philosophers denying their existence and others attempting to prove them.

Religion has managed to survive the Great Extinction, and is a large part of non-Nomadic societal structuring. Different churches have sprung up all over Europe and North America, with the European Church of the Saints of the Ancients being the largest and most widely recognized in the known world.

Outside of established domains, Nomadic tribal societies hunt, gather, and fight among themselves and empirical domains for control of different areas and resources.
Some of these Nomads flee their Nomadic lifestyles to become parts of a working society, or flee and establish there own domains under tribal leadership.

Cali Rajiin, a young farm boy living in the Royal Domain of Vacith on the continent of North America, has been called up to defend his nation against Nomadic raiders who continue to plague the south with massacres of entire village populations, looting, pillaging, and kidnapping.
Fearful of what may happen to him, but fiercely patriotic, Cali agrees to join the Anti-Nomadic Crusaders of the Vacith Royal Servants with cautious enthusiasm.

Rajiin is trained for several years in the capital city of Vancenii, where he is dubbed with the Warriors Title of ‘Kexili’ (meaning ‘one who strikes bravely’) by King Kazo Unyill.

He sees action for the first time in the far south, where the Vacith Crusaders have been ordered to halt a group of Nomadic raiders before they reach the border.
As the fighting ensues, the Crusaders commander, Lord Jepyile Unyill, King Kazo’s nephew, order them to spare no one, even if they get on there knees and beg. He tells them that these savage cowards have no honor or decency, and that the world needs to be rid of them.
Cali realizes that only a very small handful of the Nomads fight back and only began to retaliate following one of their men dying due to an arrow in the heart.
He also quickly realizes that the majority of the Nomads are women and children who are also carrying more supplies than would be expected if they were planning to raid Vacith territory.

The Vacith Crusaders quickly subdue the retaliating Nomads, taking the surviving warriors and tying them to trees.
Lord Jepyile then orders the deaths of the women and children, and tells the Crusaders to kill the children quickly, but the women slowly as so the subdued Nomadic warriors may witness their bloody, painful deaths.

Cali is disgusted by the order, and quickly directly questions Jepyile.
Jepyile tells him that it’s both the will of the King, and the will of God, and as such must be carried out with unwavering loyalty.
Cali is still not completely convinced, and continues to question Jepyile, causing the surrounding Crusaders to stop and listen.
Jepyile tells him that anyone who fails to carry out the orders will be executed slowly and painfully for showing utter cowardice and committing the capital crime of treason.
Rajiin, still disgusted, realizes that if he wishes to live, he must do as he’s told.

He personally murders three women using a hot branding iron, and a fourth using a jagged knife to the spine. Following the fourth murder, he breaks down into tears and hysterically begins to cry.

Jepyile, preoccupied, doesn’t notice as Cali flees into the forest.
Cali finds temporary refuge in the bright forest where he continues to cry hysterically as guilt washes over him at an alarming rate.

He begins to perceive things differently; obviously the Nomads hadn’t been planning to raid Vacith territory. In fact, they didn’t appear to be raiding anyone’s territory. By the looks of it, they had been attempting to migrate either west to the Kingdom of Baja, or north to the Royal Domain of Vacith.

He begins to perceive serious faults and evils in the workings of the great Vacith empire, and also realizes that the ‘Lord’s Anti-Nomadic Crusades’ were indeed simply excuses to commit atrocities against the Nomad people.
Realizing this, he’s faced with three options: live in self-imposed exile in a distant land, ignore the faults and evils and re-integrate himself back into Vacith society, or organize an openly armed rebellion against the monarchy and revolutionize the current societal structure.

The latter would be a momentous task to take on, and would be quite a compulsively quick decision to make. To seize control of the entire Domain was one thing; to gain the peoples support, trust, and respect was another.
They believed and trusted the monarchy in almost every way, it seemed; he could tell them that they were all dead and in Heaven at that moment and they would believe him.

After living in self-imposed exile for six months in the capital of the Kingdom of Baja, the city of Nuevo Angelos, he gathers a small force of seven Bajanian mercenaries and sets off with the goal of eventually reaching Vancenii and attempt to set the stage for a revolution.
They travel unchallenged through the thick forests and sub-arid terrain of the Kingdom of Baja until they are stopped by a border patrol at the Vacith/Bajanian border, where, after failing to properly explain their reasons for entering the Royal Domain of Vacith, are forced to subdue the border guards if they wish to pass.
In the battle that ensues, two of the Bajanian mercenaries are killed, and the entire border patrol either incapacitated or dead. The leading Vacith officer is beheaded by Cali, who places his head in a bag as to later prove what he is capable of.

Rajiin and the remaining five mercenaries bury the dead, and then continue there venture towards Vancenii.
In the steep coastal mountains only a few miles from the capital, they’re ambushed by a group of nine bandits. Another Bajanian mercenary is killed after being taken completely by surprise, but Rajiin is quick to the sword and cuts down five of the bandits on the spot.
The remaining bandits flee, with one dying by an arrow to the spine as he attempts to escape.
Once again, Rajiin and the final four mercenaries bury one of there own, and burn the pile of six bandits until nothing is left but charred bones and ash. On the skull of one of the dead bandits, Cali etches the words ‘Kixi Kinu Konvul’ which means ‘death be upon the cowards.’

Two days later, they finally reach the Grand Gates of Vancenii, where they pose as pilgrims and enter, once again, unchallenged.
They are greeted by the Kings High Advisor, Kano Jevia, who shows them to a small pilgrim’s hostel near the center of the city.

During there stay, Cali hears rumors of another revolutionary who has been killed under mysterious circumstances. He hears mores rumors which seem incredibly sensational to him; the mysteriously deceased revolutionary had written a doctrine to which is rumored to have been known as ‘The Doctrine of the Ancients,’ which chronicled the ways in which the Ancients once governed their people.
Other rumors soon surface that the Doctrine is in the possession of the King, who plans to destroy it very soon. Cali, realizing this may be the document which could potentially spark a revolt against the monarchy, decides that he and his Bajanian mercenaries need to seize the document within the next twenty-four hours or risk there only opportunity at a better world.

Continuing to pose as pilgrims, Rajiin and his mercenaries request to see the Grand Palace and, if possible, speak with the King himself.
High Advisor Kano Jevia says he’ll see if anything can be arranged.
After being granted entry into the Grand Hall of the Palace, Cali begins to formulate a plot to obtain the Doctrine on the spot.
After a couple of hours, Kano reappears and states that the King has agreed to speak with them. As they enter the Throne Room, Cali remembers that he once met the King during his training to become a Crusader, and begins to fear that he may be recognized until he strokes his beard and reassures himself that he looks much different then he once did.

Finally, Rajiin and his four mercenaries stand before King Kazo Unyill of the Royal Domain of Vacith. The encounter went as follows:
“Who might you be?” Kazo asks in a confidently arrogant, yet unwavering voice.
“I am Kemell Hivlot, son of Temora Hivlot. I have ventured from the Kingdom of Baja to speak with his Excellency.” Cali replies.
“The Kingdom of Baja? And what causes you to believe that I will let any dirty Bajanian stand before my royal glow?”
“A Doctrine, m’Lord.”
“A Doctrine? And what Doctrine may that be?”
“The Doctrine of the Ancients. Word has reached my ear that you are in possession of the relic, Majesty.”
“What causes you to believe any such Doctrine even exists, Bajanian? Has it not been said that the Doctrine is nothing but rumor?”
“It’s truth, Majesty.”
“How would you know, young Bajanian? No one knows.”
“Because I am the creator’s brother. I watched as he searched for his answers, and I watched as he let the words spring from his quill. I watched him create it with my own eyes.”
“Impossible! This rumored creator is said to be Vacith, not Bajanian.”
“Yes, so it is said, m’Lord, but the truth is that after creating the Doctrine, he traveled here, to this Grand City of Vancenii, as so he could finish his research.”
“Bah! You have no proof.”
“Please, you’re Majesty. Rumor has also reached me that you plan to destroy my brother’s work.”
“It’s but filth; lies! There has never been a time without a Divine Monarch.”
“I believe that to be true, m’Lord, but it’s all I have left of my brother. Please, let me have the Doctrine. I swear on his grave that I will return to Baja as soon as I have obtained it. I will trouble you no more.”
The King stroked his beard thoughtfully for a few moments before finally looking towards Cali and saying, “Fine then. I shall give you the Doctrine, but I demand of you to leave the Royal Domain of Vacith immediately and never return.”
“Of course, m’Lord.”
“Also, young Bajanian, I wish not of you to confirm these rumors. Hide the Doctrine as you leave the city. I will not have any unjustified revolt on my hands. If word reaches me that someone has seen it aside from you, I will launch an invasion of your Kingdom of Baja. I will find you. I will kill you. Do you understand?”
“I do m’Lord. You need worry not.”
“Good. Heed my words strongly.”
“I shall, Majesty.”
As Cali turned to leave, the King creased his brow and said, “Wait, young Bajanian.”
Turning once again to face the King, Cali replied, “Yes, m’Lord?”
“Have we met?”
“Not that I can recall m’Lord.”
“Hmph. Strange. Go; let me be rid of you.”
“As you wish, Majesty.”

Finally, Cali obtains the Doctrine. He and his mercenaries are quick to exit the Palace, and return to the small pilgrim’s hostel to gather their belongings.
Cali works a plan in his mind. He would have to work a new plan carefully. How did he reveal the Doctrine to the people? He would need to reveal it quickly, with much exposure. He couldn’t afford it to be but a rumor. He would also have to raise a small army.

That night, he read the seven page Doctrine; it seemed to be not only a Doctrine, but a Manifesto for an ancient form of government known as ‘democracy.’
The Doctrine read as follows:

Et Julie 10,086 Gregorian calendar
Vancenii, Royal Domain of Vacith

The Doctrine of the Ancients

New Democratic Manifesto of the Age of the Ancients

Preamble: We the People of the League of Vancenii, in Order to form a more perfect Democracy, establish Justice, eradicate corruption, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Democratic Manifesto for the Royal Domain of Vacith.
My purpose in writing such a Manifesto spurs not from hate of my Domain, but rather from the love of it and the pride I wish to take in it. The wise man Tazill once said, “A government is best when it governs least”, so then why does the government of this great country do so much governing and exercise so much power? I truly detest oppression of any sort, and in this particular case, the iniquitous Monarch government is the oppressor. The role of the Vacith government has constantly been changing since the Royal Domain of Vacith declared independence from the Kingdom of Baja in 9401. Consequently, human knowledge has also advanced and changed. A Saint of the Ancients believed that “laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times.” It is very dubious as to whether the current government of the Vacith Empire has advanced with the same rate of progress, or in the same manner as the human mind has advanced. Over two hundred years ago, our founding fathers instituted a system of checks and balances, which should have withstood the test of time. Could it be time for an updated, more efficient system? Is a real democratic system even possible in the modern day and age, where power can truly reside in the people, and not in the corrupt, so called ‘divine’ “Monarchs” of the people?
Perhaps the task of becoming a real democracy can only be accomplished when a better understanding of the word democracy is reached. Education is the key to the success and long life of democracy. Since the people have the power of enfranchisement, the people must also have a firm grasp of the democracy they live in. The Vacith military trainer Magrelli Covote wrote that “Democracy depends upon intelligent understanding and understanding depends upon the precision and power with which our thoughts, our feelings, and our great emotions can be conveyed...

The words spurred something deep inside of Cali, and he began to detest many of the current systems of life. He was quick to start with his rejection of the Monarchy, and then began to detest the strong feelings his people felt towards the Monarchy; feelings the King didn’t deserve.


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The world is meaningless,

there is no God or gods, there are no morals, the universe is not moving inexorably towards any higher purpose.
All meaning is man-made, so make your own, and make it well.
Do not treat life as a way to pass the time until you die.
Do not try to "find yourself", you must make yourself.
Choose what you want to find meaningful and live, create, love, hate, cry, destroy, fight and die for it.
Do not let your life and your values and your actions slip easily into any mold, other that that which you create for yourself, and say with conviction, "This is who I make myself".
Do not give in to hope.
Remember that nothing you do has any significance beyond that with which you imbue it.
Whatever you do, do it for its own sake.
When the universe looks on with indifference, laugh, and shout back, "Fuck You!".
Rembember that to fight meaninglessness is futile, but fight anyway, in spite of and because of its futility.
The world may be empty of meaning, but it is a blank canvas on which to paint meanings of your own.
Live deliberately. You are free.