
Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Circle of Eternity (A Short Story)

"I am a cosmic exception." He chanted.

The sun now set behind the forested mountains as Terrance sat, crossed legged, upon the small sand dune composed of refined beach glass and stone-age pebbles born of ancient volcanoes erupted during the age of the dinosaur, sculpted carefully by the master-craftsmanship of Earth over the course of all human history.

It was all accented by the movement of the ocean which caressed the eclectically-colored dune like a lover silently caresses the hair of their loved one, with a passion and love so absolutely unconditional and infinite, it transcended the transience of distracted human affairs as if to say,
What's the rush for? What are you afraid of? You have all of eternity. Why do you waste it in fear? Why do you waste it in confusion? Why do you attempt to capture it and frame it and pretend to understand it? It's all here. It's all now. Don't waste eternity pretending time exists. Don't waste your time wasting eternity. 

Like Terrance, these rocks had been around for what was, quite possibly, an eternity.

"I am a cosmic exception."

And he did not mean this in a sense that suggested he was some sort of a religious messiah; nor in the sense that he held special privilege as compared to the average human being.
His reality, and what had occurred to him over the course of forever was nothing that other beings hadn't experienced;
He was simply an exception insofar as he remembered it all.

Absolutely all of it!

And now, as he approached what he sensed to be an end to his current existence to enter a new, and quite similar experience, he looked back on his past lives.

He looked back on the life he had lived this time around.
Pulling his small notebook out from his back pocket, he began to jot down the minor changes that had occurred. And he noted what significant changes had taken place as a result of his actions.

4 lifetimes ago, Terrance remembered being born to a Samuel and Mary Thomas of Liverpool.
He had been so deeply in love with them, he remembered. It had been the only lifetime in which his death and birth had been so fluid as he didn't lose consciousness and forget who he was.

It hadn't even felt like he had blinked.

It had all been a solid flow.
He remembered sitting in his lawn chair outside of his mountain-side estate, watching the sunrise, and closing his eyes.
There had been a light, and Terrance watched it with a deep conviction to remain awake.

To remain completely and entirely conscious.

It had been an absolutely blinding light. And with whatever strange eyes his soul wore, he did not blink. He did not slip into darkness even for a moment.

And the light began to flicker and fade as he continued to watch it.
It flickered until the world came back into a blurry focus, and he coughed and sputtered and began to howl with confusion and ecstasy. He was tugged gently out of the womb and into the hands of a doctor draped in white, save for what looked like sky blue gloves which now caressed his new being with a confident compassion.

He was handed-off to a young man.
That man was smiling from ear to ear, and by God, Terrance immediately recognized that young man to be his father! And there was only one slight difference that Terrance could make out from his blurted sight; his fathers hair was red! No longer brunette like it had been in his previous life.

But he was still the same man. Still the very same essence.
He was still Samuel Thomas; however, later in that particular lifetime, Terrance noted a slight change in spelling that had occurred throughout the past 3 lifetimes in his fathers name.

It had started as Sampson Tomass, evolved to Sampson Samuel Tomass, and then simply Samuel Tomas, and finally, it had become what it currently is.
He no longer possessed a middle name.

Terrance continued to write in his notebook.
Not for the sake of keeping it; the notebook would be forever left in this being when he passed. But for the sake of giving it all a coherent form in his mind as so he didn't forget moving forward into his rebirth once more.

A gift or a curse, he had decided long ago that he would nurture his awareness of it all. And that's when he felt his heart skip a beat. His body choked on one last sharp gasp of air, and his vision began to give way to that overwhelmingly blinding light.

He stared it down, once again, with whatever eyes his soul wore. And he moved towards it, already knowing what would happen next.

Had he still been wearing his mortal eyes, he would have gone blind long ago. But for what seemed like hours, Terrance continued to move towards the light until it enveloped him entirely.

And once again, it began to dim. And it all gave way to his being tugged gently from the womb by a doctor draped in white wearing sky blue gloves. Reality was a jumble of colors overlapping each other without fixed boundaries, and once again, he began to wail in pure confusion and ecstasy.

And once again he was funneled into the arms of a young man.
And once again, he looked, as best he could, into the eyes of father who now wore a ginger beard and whose hair was much redder than it had been in the previous lifetime.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson; it's a beautiful baby girl."         

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The world is meaningless,

there is no God or gods, there are no morals, the universe is not moving inexorably towards any higher purpose.
All meaning is man-made, so make your own, and make it well.
Do not treat life as a way to pass the time until you die.
Do not try to "find yourself", you must make yourself.
Choose what you want to find meaningful and live, create, love, hate, cry, destroy, fight and die for it.
Do not let your life and your values and your actions slip easily into any mold, other that that which you create for yourself, and say with conviction, "This is who I make myself".
Do not give in to hope.
Remember that nothing you do has any significance beyond that with which you imbue it.
Whatever you do, do it for its own sake.
When the universe looks on with indifference, laugh, and shout back, "Fuck You!".
Rembember that to fight meaninglessness is futile, but fight anyway, in spite of and because of its futility.
The world may be empty of meaning, but it is a blank canvas on which to paint meanings of your own.
Live deliberately. You are free.