The Nomadic Domain of Scotazzi is the only known Nomadic state in Europe. Forced to unify and create their own state to counter pressure from the neighbouring Domains of Katvai and Lekfasaida, the Five Tribes of Kizki cling to a false sense of mutualism between one another.
Founded by a Nomad Chieftain who later successfully unified each Tribe of Kizki, the Domain of Scotazzi became a noted state even in its infancy. Its capital city is the city of Arklu, which often trades livestock, slaves, and artwork with its neighbouring Domains. It's ruled by a Council of Five as a collective dictatorship.
The Domain of Katvai was the first Domain to be established on the Brittanian subcontinent. Founded by an Agnostic Beatus who was once said to be immortal over 300 years ago, it has become a key state on Britannia. It's also the only nonreligious state in the entirety of Europe, but is still respected quite fervently by Church of Britannian Saints. Its capital is the city of Brisbanos, which often trades artwork and knives with its neighbouring Domains. It's ruled by a King as an absolute monarchy.
The Holy Domain of Lekfasaida is the largest Domain on the Brittanian subcontinent. It was founded (only four years after the establishment of the Domain of Katvai) by a Saint of the Ancients, who is said to have lived for a thousand years until he died on the thrown of his new Domain after ruling for ten years. It's also been said that he was the last human alive to have seen the previous generation prior to the Great Catastrophe. Following his death, his heir established the Church of Britannian Saints and immediately declared his predecessor the first European Saint of the Ancients. Its capital is the city of Loxu, founded on the ruins of a once sprawling metropolis, which trades weapons and armour to its neighbours. It's ruled by a King and/or Queen as an absolute monarchy.
The Illuminadias Republic is the largest Empire in Western Europe, geographically speaking. Established by the Group of Nomadic Saviours as a haven for those fleeing the Nomadic lifestyle, it's the only state in Europe to have overthrown its monarchy and establish a Republic. Its capital is the city of Nova Atkavon which was originally established by a group of fugitive Nomads as an area to start industry. It trades mainly furs and other apparel with its neighbouring Empires. It's ruled by a Grand Head of State as a semi-deomcratic Republic.
The Republic of Papio Dominio is believed by many to be the final fracture of humanities distant and past history, with its capital of Roma rumored to be the oldest remaining city on the entire planet. The Republic is the smallest established state on the European mainland, yet is still the second most powerful after the Imperial Kingdom of Sichii. It was rumored to have been founded by the son of one of the greatest Saint of the Ancients, who was said to be the sole reason the city of Roma was maintained both during and after the Great Catastrophe. Roma's main source of income is pilgrims from across the continent wishing to see the last of historical human knowledge first hand, and willing to pay a handsome price. It's ruled by a Grand Head of State along with a Grand House of Parliament as a semi-democracy.
The Kingdom of Nuevo Greeciadis was founded by a former Statesman of the Republic of Papio Dominio following his being forced into exile after assassinating a Grand Head of State which he perceived as ambitious and ruthless. He also strongly believed that the Grand Head of State to which he murdered was preparing a coup d'etat as to declare himself an Emperor.
In his venture he gained many followers who, following his exile, followed him to the land that Papio Dominio dubbed Greeciadis, in which they established the Kingdom of Nuevo Greeciadis and raised a large army to assist in pushing the Nomad tribes out of the claimed area. Five years following, the capital city of Spaertii was founded on top of the ruins of a city rumored to have once been known as 'Sparta.' Spaertii's main trade commodity is grain, to which comes at a surprisingly high demand. It's ruled by a Lord of the Realm as an absolute monarchy.
The Imperial Kingdom of Sichii is, by far, the largest established state in the known world. Feared by both Nomads and Civil Empires alike, it's rumored to have been founded by a Nomad warlord who is said to have discovered his ancestral roots, and as such, decided to reclaim his ancestors lost territory. Using his tribal influence, he converted Nomads to his vision and slowly built a great empire. 7 years following his death, the small encampments that he once used to rule over his Empire was quickly developed into a small city which was dubbed with the name of Muscavov and turned into the Imperial Capital. Its main trade commodity is slaves, to which are traded continent-wide for other desperately needed items. It's ruled by a High King as an absolute monarchy.
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