
Monday, June 1, 2009

The Necessity of School

To get right to the point, I do see the basic, and even some of the advanced necessities of school; how to do essential math problems you're going to need to buy a load of groceries at the store, how to read a novel or a newspaper, or even something as simple as a pop label so you can be sure you're not drinking sulfuric acid, and basic social situations in social environments, so when you get out into the big, open world you don't start thinking everyone's going to take 'fuck you' as a thank you.
What I don't understand is why we don't have more of a choice, especially when it comes to high school. I can see essential mathematics as being a minimum required course until grade 11, and even essential English, but what I don't understand is why people are forced to take things like science (the subject differs to me each year; sometimes it more interesting, others time not so much) social studies (I'm just throwing that out there as an example; in fact, social studies is one of my favorite academic subjects) planning (which can also be known as CAPP which stands for Career and Personal Planning, which I do see a point to, but don't see why we don't have a choice in it) and PE (this ones a big one for me. I see why people would want to take it, and I do see the whole 'fitness' goal to it, but why force us to take that either?).

Schools are supposed to give us safe, healthy environments to work in. For the most part they do, but there's always the group of egotistical assholes who try to make everyone look like feeble idiots, and to tell the truth, it works most of the time. I feel embarrassed and not valuable to the slightest extent. I feel expendable and worthless when enough people get together to force it to stick in my head. That's not to say that's happened recently, or even happens very often, because it hasn't actually occurred since about grade 9, and I can't even entirely recall what the incident was.

I really see no point in forcing students to learn more-than-basic geometry, and see no valuable importance in knowing that there are holes in the sun's corona that cause particles to seep out and spread throughout the solar system to create solar winds, but again, if someone wants to learn that stuff, they can be my guest. In fact, I'd be interested in learning the last of those two, but I see no point in forcing it on the students.

Another thing I find strange is that school isn't a democracy; why do we always have to have bad principals? Think of it this way: if we voted in a principal out of four or five runners, we'd have only ourselves to blame if we get a bad one. It's a flawless plan, and would probably be quite popular among students worldwide.

Also, why does school perpetuate such a strong sense of authoritarianism? Shouldn't we be learning how to be independent as opposed to following the rules of someone who seems to think they're in charge of us, yet don't even pay us anything for our cooperation?

Yes, I'm sure if you talk to a principal that after awhile of debating the necessity of school they'd admit that the system isn't flawless, but they'd still hold very true to the stance school takes. There would be no change. The only time change would truly happen would be if students stood up and actually pushed for change (which, sadly yet not unexpectedly, they probably wouldn't).

That's my entire outlook on the entire subject, and please, I want everyone to know that school is indeed quite debatable. If you seem to think it isn't you better not have any political opinions, because you'd only be contradicting yourself.

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The world is meaningless,

there is no God or gods, there are no morals, the universe is not moving inexorably towards any higher purpose.
All meaning is man-made, so make your own, and make it well.
Do not treat life as a way to pass the time until you die.
Do not try to "find yourself", you must make yourself.
Choose what you want to find meaningful and live, create, love, hate, cry, destroy, fight and die for it.
Do not let your life and your values and your actions slip easily into any mold, other that that which you create for yourself, and say with conviction, "This is who I make myself".
Do not give in to hope.
Remember that nothing you do has any significance beyond that with which you imbue it.
Whatever you do, do it for its own sake.
When the universe looks on with indifference, laugh, and shout back, "Fuck You!".
Rembember that to fight meaninglessness is futile, but fight anyway, in spite of and because of its futility.
The world may be empty of meaning, but it is a blank canvas on which to paint meanings of your own.
Live deliberately. You are free.