
Friday, August 5, 2011

A Strange Diversity

regarding my 'Personality Dimensions' surfaced today as a result of mathematics.
In the work experience program I've been engaged in for the past 2 weeks, we did a sort of 'personality types' test, to discover which category, or categories, we best fit inside of.

The expected number is 2 out of 4 (1 being most like you, with the other quite like you), yet I, however, ended up being a direct part of 3 out of the 4 categories. Apparently, that's quite a rare occurence.
The category that ended up being 'most like me' was titled Resourceful Orange, which entails the general motto of "Freedom, Activity, and Variety."
The 'quite like me' categories were Inquiring Green (general motto: Knowledge and High Skills) and Authentic Blue (general motto: Relationships and Becoming a Better Person). An interesting and very positive mix, if I may say so myself (sorry if I sound like a pompous, arrogant douche; let my personality dimensions speak otherwise).

Now, for those of you who may actually care, I will list-off the in-depth characteristics, likes, needs, skills, strengths, and potential weaknesses of each category as they are listed in the little pamphlet that came with the test. Also, I'm slightly dazed today, so I apologize if my writing ability is a little under par. Anyways:

Resourceful Orange:


Open to anything new, looks for change, makes quick decisions, independent, competitive, very generous, funny and clever, clear and direct, practical, and does not judge other people.


To be in control, to work with little supervision, freedom to decide quickly, a chance to perform, freedom to create, results, feedback, to try new things often, and to have skills noticed.


Flexible and relaxed, gets quick results, good problem solver, good in crisis, speaks clearly, thinks quickly, can work long and hard, works well under pressure, sees opportunities, and is fun and entertaining.


Taking risks, adventures, fixing problems, taking care of emergencies, being the boss, learning by doing things, contests, finishing things quickly, and doing many things at once.


Getting things done, leading others, being "in charge," selling, convincing other people, talking in front of groups, making "deals," creating and designing, responding to emergencies, fixing mistakes, and managing many projects.

Potential Weaknesses:

Impatnient with theory, not willing to argue about words, may not see past today, not interested in abstract ideas, not completing some jobs, not focusing on details, being "pushy," acting too quickly, too willing to argue, and may bend the rules to get things done.

Inquiring Green:


Wants things to make sense, expects high quality, makes improvements, creates systems that work, investigates/ asks questions, controls emotions, thinks of new ideas/ methods, and sets high standards.


Knowledge, high standards, freedom to ask "why?," independence, thinking time, and privacy.


Thinking about ideas, figuring out "how" and "why," learning, working hard on a project, clear thinking, using exactly the right worlds, analyzing, and understanding meanings.


Exploring ideas, discovering, designing models, improving quality, creating plans, sovling hard problems, explaining things, and lots of information.


Creating a mental picture, solving problems, researching and developing, observing, figuring things out, planning and organizing, and understanding diffucult ideas.

Potential Weaknesses:

Complicated explanations, loses focus if bored, doesn't worry about others feelings, can be impatient, may not complete a boring project, gives too much information, argues (for fun, sometimes!), dislikes emotional outbursts, and is too analytical.

Authentic Blue:


Likes most people, understands people, shares feelings, makes a good impression, full of energy, supportive and warm, expressive, honest, cares about other people, and thinks positivley.


Harmony, being with others, few details, approval from others, support without any limits, encouragement, attention, being popular, and being accepted.


Working well with others, creative thinking, sharing thoughts, showing true concern, strong instincts, seeing potential in others, commitment to helping people, helping others grow, building harmony, and helping with conflicts.


Meeting new people, honesty, harmony and peace, quotes that inspire, being respected, being cared for, entertaining others, changing to meet others' needs, fun, and friendships.


Motivating, leading, speaking and writing, mentoring and training, listening and communicating, maintaining harmony, building teams, mediating conflicts, and encouraging others.

Potential Weaknesses:

Setting unrealistic goals, being too compliant, using time wiseley, not being able to say "no," trying to do to much, getting too involved, being slow to decide, being too sensitive to conflict, admitting problems, showing favourtism, and making people dependent (by helping them too much).

In summary, I'd have to say this is quite a strange mix of attributes. I'm sure some of the attributes would logically cancel eachother out on occasion, if not most of the time... while others would be prevalent at one time or in a certain situation, over another time, and a different situation. In the same way, and to my personal benefit, much of the 'potential weaknesses' would also cancel eachother out, whether only on occasion, or all of the time. Looking back on my past, I would have to say the occurence of one attribute or potential weakness cancelling another out in differing situations really has occured.

But, I guess, it's all a matter of perspective.

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The world is meaningless,

there is no God or gods, there are no morals, the universe is not moving inexorably towards any higher purpose.
All meaning is man-made, so make your own, and make it well.
Do not treat life as a way to pass the time until you die.
Do not try to "find yourself", you must make yourself.
Choose what you want to find meaningful and live, create, love, hate, cry, destroy, fight and die for it.
Do not let your life and your values and your actions slip easily into any mold, other that that which you create for yourself, and say with conviction, "This is who I make myself".
Do not give in to hope.
Remember that nothing you do has any significance beyond that with which you imbue it.
Whatever you do, do it for its own sake.
When the universe looks on with indifference, laugh, and shout back, "Fuck You!".
Rembember that to fight meaninglessness is futile, but fight anyway, in spite of and because of its futility.
The world may be empty of meaning, but it is a blank canvas on which to paint meanings of your own.
Live deliberately. You are free.